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Monday, October 24, 2016

IB Issue - ORA-00001: unique constraint (OKS.OKS_K_ORDER_DETAILS_U2) violated in Package OKS_COD_PVT Procedure B_insert_row

Issue -- IB Not Created in oracle, record got failed with below error.

ORA-00001: unique constraint (OKS.OKS_K_ORDER_DETAILS_U2) violated in Package OKS_COD_PVT Procedure B_insert_row

Solution : Go To Oracle Installed Base Admin > Transaction Errors Processing --> Query with Sale Order / Item

Select Process Flag --> Tools --> Resubmit Interface Process   -- To Reprocess the record.

Responsibilities Assigned to User.

-- Query To find Responsibilities Assigned to User.

    SELECT fu.user_name                "User Name",
       frt.responsibility_name     "Responsibility Name",
       furg.start_date             "Start Date",
       furg.end_date               "End Date",     
       fr.responsibility_key       "Responsibility Key",
       fa.application_short_name   "Application Short Name"
  FROM apps.fnd_user_resp_groups_direct        furg,
       applsys.fnd_user                   fu,
       applsys.fnd_responsibility_tl      frt,
       applsys.fnd_responsibility         fr,
       applsys.fnd_application_tl         fat,
       applsys.fnd_application            fa
 WHERE furg.user_id             =  fu.user_id
   AND furg.responsibility_id   =  frt.responsibility_id
   AND fr.responsibility_id     =  frt.responsibility_id
   AND fa.application_id        =  fat.application_id
   AND fr.application_id        =  fat.application_id
   AND frt.language             =  USERENV('LANG')
   AND UPPER(fu.user_name)      =  UPPER('SLAKKIREDDY')  -- <change it>
   -- AND (furg.end_date IS NULL OR furg.end_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE))
 ORDER BY frt.responsibility_name;

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Not able to cancel internal requisition

Issue - I am unable to cancel the internal requisition even tough there is no ISO.

Reason - There is internal sales order record in Order Import interface.

As per functionality, system  will not allow m to Cancel an internal requisition line when there is pending sales order in order import interface.